What is H22?
H22 is a major initiative by Helsingborg to develop future welfare solutions aimed at improving quality of life in a smarter, more sustainable city.
- A city-wide innovation initiative. It’s about the journey towards becoming a smarter and more sustainable city.
- A City Expo – A stop along the way where we shine a light on all that’s been achieved between now and the summer of 2022. During and after the City Expo, the long-term initiative continues.

H22 is shining a light on all of Helsingborg. It’s about the people who live and work here, life in every corner of the city.
Why is the City of Helsingborg investing in innovation?
Helsingborg, like many other cities, is facing major challenges. Meeting these challenges means finding new ways of working, collaborations, and solutions.

By 2030, 60% of the world’s population will live in cities.

The proportion of elderly people and children is increasing while the working, tax-paying population is decreasing.
Ola Selmén explains H22
Three themes for exploring the smart city
Developing the city for the people, with the people is one of the cornerstones of H22. It’s about including people who are involved and engaged at different levels, both local and international. But it’s also about developing leadership suited to a world in constant change and with increasing demands. Read more

We’re opening up the entire city and making it a test bed for innovation and new ways of thinking.
A proud tradition
The name H22 is a nod to the past expos H55 and H99. H55, which was an international housing expo with a focus on design and craft, took place in 1955 and attracted over one million visitors. H99 was an expo in 1999 that focused on architecture, physical structure, and the development of a new residential district in Helsingborg’s north harbour area Norra Hamnen. Read More

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The Voice
Want to read what others say about H22 and Helsingborg’s journey towards a smarter city? To The Voice