Welcome to our press room. Here, journalists can find information
relating to H22. If you don’t find what you’re looking for or need to get
in touch, feel free to contact us for help with questions or with finding
the right person to interview.Below you will also find a compilation of
our press releases and articles.

11 February, 2021

Swedish city Helsingborg and IKEA announce groundbreaking partnership to create the sustainable city of the future

Named one of Europe’s most innovative cities in 2020 *, the City of Helsingborg, Sweden, joins forces with Swedish furniture giant IKEA to address global challenges in the co-creation of...
22 October, 2020

H22 – a focused initiative to accelerate innovation!

An innovative city is not solely concerned with technology and gadgets. It also focuses on mobilising the inherent power found within the entire organisation.
12 August, 2020

Be Proud of Every Flush When Living the Dream in Helsingborg.

A unique waste system in the new dockland homes of this Swedish city is turning residents into environmental heroes.
12 August, 2020

​Helsingborg is one of Europe’s most innovative cities

The City of Helsingborg in southern Sweden is a finalist in the European Capital of Innovation Awards 2020, also known as iCapital.
23 April, 2020

Investing in the future has never been more important than it is now

The history books of the future will most certainly talk about a time before and after COVID-19. At the moment, we find ourselves right in the midst of it. We...




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Drottninggatan 14
252 21 Helsingborg

