28 juni, 2020

Patrick Lindqvist

Presentation available What needs must an organization understand and fulfill; as opposed to understanding the services or products the organisation produces.
28 juni, 2020

Torbjörn Johansson

Torbjörn arbetar för Helsingborg stad som GIS-chef på avdelningen för stadsplanering och IT. Inom sitt arbete ansvarar han för att leda, utveckla och samordna användningen av det stadsövergripande geografiska informationssystemet (GIS). Tillsammans med sina kollegor i Helsingborg stöder Torbjörn framgångsrikt andra i digitaliseringen så att vi kan bygga en smartare stad med nya datadrivna insikter.
28 juni, 2020

Kire Ilioski

The United Nations vision for smart sustainable cities of the future.
28 juni, 2020

Gregory Saville

How can we plan, develop and build neighboorhoods of safety and livability?
28 juni, 2020

Emilia Hallin

How can we capture and measure something as multidimensional as safety?
28 juni, 2020

Micco Grönholm

Presentation available Micco has the overall mission to strengthen the innovativeness of the organization and the competitiveness of Helsingborg and Greater Copenhagen.
28 juni, 2020

Hanna Candell

Presentation available At H22 Summit Hanna will talk share learnings from her work with Purple Flag and the night time economy, creating safer environment in the city centre.
28 juni, 2020

Cecilia Fredriksson

Presentation available Creating a norm of equality in urban planning and public places
28 juni, 2020

Linda Gustafsson

Presentation available The method of Gendered landscape and gendered based urban planning.