12 October, 2020

Alf Rehn

As an internationally sought-after speaker on creativity, innovation, and futures thinking, and holder of the title “Top Professor on Twitter”, Alf Rehn always brings new perspectives to any conversation. Alf will be joining one of our panel discussions and giving his thoughts on the role of cities in driving the EU innovation agenda.
9 October, 2020

Jonna Myrebris

Having worked with both education and overseeing city property management, Jonna is now applying her expertise in city-wide issues that involve a wide range of stakeholders. She will be taking part in a summit panel and discussing public needs and co-creation in the smart design of public space.
8 October, 2020

Umberto Fugiglando

Aside from developing and maintaining global research partnerships, Umberto’s work at the MIT Senseable City Lab involves exploring the interface between data, cities, people, and tech. Umberto will be bringing his cutting-edge expertise to H22 Summit and will speak about the future of smart and connected cities and the ingredients that go into innovative urban technology.
6 October, 2020

Carl Heath

With an eclectic background and expert insights on the digitisation of education, Carl Heath has been instrumental in developing a national support platform for schools in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden. Carl will be sharing the lessons learned from this project, his thoughts on the uncertain landscape of learning, and his vision for equality in education.
6 October, 2020

Ethan Kent

With the goal of building a global placemaking movement, Ethan Kent is accelerating placemaking leadership and impact through targeted support for public space organisations and projects. Ethan is joining one of our panel talks to discuss a smarter city governance that uses the potential and inspiration of local communities to create positive public spaces.
5 October, 2020

Joakim Jardenberg

Senior advisor, business angel, CEO whisperer – Joakim Jardenberg is an influential presence in the tech world and a driving force in smart city development. Joakim will be getting to the heart of how we can shape our digital future through exploring mindsets and focusing on human needs. What elements go into building the immersive and integrated city of tomorrow?
2 October, 2020

Cecilia Borg

Having worked with development and agile transformation in global corporations and startups for more than twenty years, Cecilia Borg is a change leader at the forefront of her industry. Cecilia will be sharing her expertise in how to make cross-functionality and staff empowerment a driving force in achieving your organisation’s highest goals.
29 September, 2020

Audrey Tang

As an accomplished software programmer, Audrey Tang has become a prominent game changer in the world of open-source software. Audrey will be providing unique insights on open data, open governance, and multi-level collaboration, and – as a self-proclaimed anarchist – open your mind to the disruptive and democratising potential of technology.
29 September, 2020

Rebecka Carlsson

Rebecka Carlsson is a renowned speaker and expert on sustainable development and exponential tech. Rebecka will be speaking about sustainability as a business disruptor and its role in enabling rapid climate transition. How can cities harness the full power of exponential tech in achieving their goals for climate neutrality?