When I moved to Helsingborg, not in my wildest dreams did I think that someday I would be involved with the city, running community projects and would meet such amazing people.
It all started with being wholly lost in translation in my first few months, looking for information and things to do. My initial thought was to hope someone would do something about it.
A year later, I came across Visionsfonden and had my first meeting with Alexandra, the idea coach. Long story short, the city trusted my idea, and I received support to create ‘This Is Hbg’ (This is Helsingborg). My idea itself has grown in the last year. I started with sharing information in English, but now I have residents writing to me with ideas, tips, stories and that makes me believe that everyone has the will to contribute.
I owe it all to the city, which allowed me not just to test my ideas, but also to dream big. It made me realize that sometimes it is the simplest of ideas that can work beautifully, as long as you are open-minded and have the will to collaborate and work together with others.
Living in Helsingborg and working on projects has also taught me not to be afraid of failing, as long as I am trying and learning from my mistakes. And that is what I want to share with others, especially foreign residents. Just because you are from outside, doesn’t mean you are an outsider. This is your city, and if you have an idea for it, the city will support you.
This is Helsingborg!