Welcome to our press room. Here, journalists can find information
relating to H22. If you don’t find what you’re looking for or need to get
in touch, feel free to contact us for help with questions or with finding
the right person to interview.Below you will also find a compilation of
our press releases and articles.
24 June, 2022
RADIOFRANCE: L’urbanisation du monde n’est pas durable
Nous sommes plus de 4 milliards à vivre en ville. D’ici 2050, 7 humains sur 10 vivront dans une zone urbaine. Des villes qui s’étalent depuis les années 50 et...
15 June, 2022
As nights grow light and long, a traveller’s fancy turns towards the land of the midnight sun, even though much of Sweden closes down while locals enjoy their midsummer celebrations....
14 June, 2022
THEMAYOR: Helsingborg proposes ‘Paris Agreement’ for logistics
The City of Helsingborg announced today that it will launch the Helsingborg Declaration, a pact meant to be the logistics sector’s equivalent to the Paris Agreement for countries. Its mission...
8 June, 2022
FRANCEINFO: En Suède, on imagine la maison de demain plus verte, plus durable et moins émettrice de CO2
Depuis le 30 mai et jusqu'au 3 juillet, la ville d'Helsingborg acceuille "H22", une sorte d'exposition universelle dédiée aux innovations urbaines.
17 May, 2022
DB-BAUZEITUNG: 7 sehenswerte Architekturprojekte auf der H22 City Expo
Vom 30. Mai bis 3. Juli 2022 findet im schwedischen Helsingborg die H22 City Expo statt, Europas größte internationale Konferenz zur nachhaltigen Stadt der Zukunft. Ein vielfältiges Programm mit Ausstellungen,...
10 May, 2022
PRO LANDSCAPER: Ten architecture and design projects to see during H22 City Expo
H22 City Expo invites visitors to explore the future landscape of architecture, design, and urban planning with contributions from a range of leading experts, architects, and designers during the 35-day...
10 May, 2022
PRO LANDSCAPER:Ten architecture and design projects to see during H22 City Expo
H22 City Expo invites visitors to explore the future landscape of architecture, design, and urban planning with contributions from a range of leading experts, architects, and designers during the 35-day...
16 March, 2022
THE MAYOR: Helsingborg reveals an attractive program for its H22 City Expo
The Swedish city of Helsingborg is holding one of the most exciting events in Europe this year – the H22 City Expo, taking place from 30 May to 3 July....
18 November, 2021
The UNDRR: Four European cities announced as global Making Cities Resilient 2030 Resilience Hubs for climate and disaster risk reduction
Barcelona, Greater Manchester, Helsingborg and Milan have been unveiled as the first four European cities recognised as “Resilience Hubs” for their policy and advocacy work in addressing growing climate and...
18 November, 2021
The Mayor: UNDRR names first 4 European cities to become Resilience Hubs
Europe is leading the way in exemplary resilience and a testament to that is that 4 out of the first six Resilience Hubs, announced by the United Nations Office for...
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