Challenging, driving, and guiding
Working with the engagement of residents to improve welfare in the city requires dialogue at many levels. We need to understand conditions, underlying obstacles, and create new forms for meeting. We need forums to drive us towards an innovative, smarter, and more sustainable city.
That’s why H22 advisory boards have been set up, a dialogue model to strengthen, challenge, and take in new perspectives on the city’s innovation work. Advisory boards are consultative bodies, where there is an opportunity to gain insights as well as participate in and drive the city’s innovation journey in different ways.
In all advisory boards, physical or digital meetings are arranged to inform, discuss, and challenge choices and the direction of the work.
Residents and associations
During spring 2021, four new advisory boards are being set up within a number of important areas. As a resident or association representative you can take part and make your voice heard, influence the city’s development, and get involved in several ways. Each group has representatives from the city’s political leadership.
Residents Coordinated by Peter Jansson (Centre Party) and Marcus Friberg (Green Party).
Associations Coordinated by Jan Björklund (Social Democratic Party) and Julia Persson (Moderate Party)
Elderly Coordinated by Lars Thunberg (Christian Democrats) and Michael Rosenberg (Sweden Democrats).
Children & Youth Coordinated by Maria Winberg Nordström (Liberals) and Maria Ward (Social Democratic Party).
Do you have questions or want to get in contact with one of the groups? Contact us here.
H22 Global Advisory Board
The world is changing continuously, and as a city we need to meet demands and be prepared for the future. Members of the Global Advisory Board are experts within their fields and can guide Helsingborg through a comprehensive understanding of changing global challenges across sectors.
The advisory members of the H22 Global Advisory Board come from organisations such as Volvo, IKEA, the Swedish Institute, UN Habitat, and the City of Amsterdam. Their role is to challenge, connect, and ensure the city delivers on its high potential.
H22 National Advisory Board
This board is a dynamic assembly of members from different industries, organisations, and companies in Sweden. The forum has the ambition of elevating Helsingborg’s profile and applying its expertise within respective fields to provide informed guidance on the journey towards a smarter city. It’s about sustainability and technology and about striving to make a resilient and thoughtful city.
Sweden is at the forefront within both digitisation and sustainability, something that will propel the H22 journey forwards.