In 2016, the author Conny Palmqvist came to the Vision Fund looking for funding for a little documentary on the Sewing Club, a group that smuggled refugees across the strait in the 1940s. The film was picked up by Danish television, which made SVT sit up and pay attention. This year, a book is being written based on that film. SVT is discussing a large-scale documentary project and an American production company is interested in making a miniseries of Conny’s story. This is a great example of how a small local project can make ripples in the water, all the way to the US. There are so many amazing projects and passionate people! Through the Vision Fund you can get money to test something that would otherwise have trouble finding support. It’s not purely a cultural fund or innovation fund, it’s a mixture!
You can work with both integration and tech, or maybe a combination of the two? It’s not only funding that’s available but also support and help with lowering the thresholds in the city. The Vision Fund is for the brave people who are doing something that no one else in Helsingborg has done. Something that can benefit the people of the city. One of the craziest projects was the Vegetable Ballet, where a bunch of retired dancers went around dressed as vegetables at HX Festival, showing off some very advanced choreography. The aim was to get older people to eat more vegetables, and it worked! Another favourite is Cinderella, who moved home from the US at the same time as the big influx of refugees in 2015. She saw that many people had a hard time learning Swedish, and she asked herself what she could do about it. She got help with starting a song language café. For a year, people came to Dunkers to sing in Swedish and learn what the songs were about – it was a quick and fun way to get those first essential basics with a new language. The Vision Fund is the first and biggest opportunity for many to make something of their own. There are grants of up to SEK 100,000 available. I’m trying to be like a squid and use my tentacles to spread the word on the Vision Fund all over town.